Providing Solutions

Let Our Dallas Attorneys Help You Select The Right Business Entity For Your Needs

Many businesses falter because they are not built on the right foundation. These limitations and vulnerabilities are only revealed as the enterprise grows and changes, and the owners encounter external threats and internal conflicts.

The Dallas law firm of Palmer Lehman Sandberg, PLLC, provides solid guidance for forming or reorganizing business entities. Our business law attorneys assist with all facets of entity selection and ownership agreements. We help clients anticipate potential problems, consider personal liability and tax exposure, and make sure that partners and shareholders are all “on the same page.”

Which Business Structure Is Appropriate For Your Startup?

There are tandem concerns in the choice of business entity and the governing agreement among the stakeholders. Our knowledgeable lawyers will walk you through the key considerations for choosing the underlying structure of the business. We have helped clients form every type of entity and companion agreement, including:

We also counsel doctors, dentists, accountants, lawyers and other licensed professionals on business formation and startup matters. We can explain the merits and limitations of organizing as a professional corporation (PC), professional association (PA) or professional limited liability company (PLLC).

A Firm Offering Clear Direction And A Shared Vision

The majority of new businesses are formed as limited liability companies. The LLC offers flexibility, more informal administration and other advantages over a corporation, but it is not necessarily the most suitable entity for your business. Our attorneys will help you make an informed choice about entity selection in terms of your personal goals, risk tolerance and investment, and in conjunction with the operating, shareholder or partnership agreement and the goals of the business and co-owners.

Learn More About Entity Selection And Startup – Contact Us Today

We counsel entrepreneurs, professionals, owners and executives in all industries, serving the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and North Texas. Call us at 214-242-6444 or contact us online to arrange a consultation with our Dallas business entity selection attorneys.

We offer convenient office hours, flexible appointment times and reasonable fees. Visa, Mastercard and Discover are accepted.

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