Each year, many individuals open successful new businesses in Texas, but if an entrepreneur is not prepared, they can make some mistakes in the initial start-up phase. Here are a few tips to help you avoid three of the more commonly made mistakes when opening a new...
Kyla Gunter
Choosing a business structure for a startup business
Texas can be a great place for startup entrepreneurs, but business owners will need to make several important decisions if they wish to take full advantage of the many business opportunities the Lone Star State presents to them. One of the most important of these...
Formulate a Management Agreement to Avoid Disputes
Anyone entering into a business relationship in Texas should know that it is a lot like a marriage in many ways. Unless your business is a single-member entity (i.e., there is only ONE person involved), you will find it necessary to work closely with other...
What rights do you have as a business partner in Texas?
Before entering into a partnership, you should know what your rights are, in order to prevent legal and financial issues. Ideally, you should have a written contract that sets forth how the partners will resolve conflicts and disagreements, and how a partner withdraws...
What are the benefits of an LLC?
If you're starting a business in Texas, you might want to consider operating it as a limited liability company (LLC). LLCs offer certain benefits that you won't get when you're a sole proprietor, and are usually much less complex than forming a corporation. When you...