Employers must consistently monitor their employees in order to ensure that they are productive, safe and upholding the standards set by the company. All employees are human and therefore will misstep from time to time. Most of the time, these missteps will serve as...
Month: April 2015
When can you request a reduction in alimony?
Divorce can lead to many worries and stress regarding your finances. Many individuals worry about paying alimony or spousal support to their exes. If you have been ordered to pay alimony, you may be worried that you will be required to pay it for a long time. However,...
When dissolving a marriage also means dissolving a business
When a couple that owns a business together decides to dissolve their marriage, they face a difficult decision over whether their business should be dissolved as well.The good news is that business owners facing marriage and business dissolution have several options,...
Why Is Obtaining Guardianship So Complicated?
For many grandparents, aunts and uncles and extended family members, it seems as if obtaining guardianship of a minor-aged relative should be a simple matter for the Texas courts to decide. In this blog update, we will discuss some of the issues that make a successful...
More attention to heart health during divorce important for women
Divorce is a widely studied topic in this country. Many people in Dallas have likely come across studies explaining what causes divorce, what type of people are more likely to divorce and what divorce may mean for the rest of your life. Yesterday, the results of yet...
Responding to an EEOC complaint
Chances are that you try to run your business with a great deal of care and consideration. You likely try to promote strong cultural values among your employees, aim to treat your contractual partners fairly and consider the wellbeing of your customers during the...